The consumer standard for food and consumer product quality and safety.
The food and consumer product industry is on the verge of a fundamental paradigm shift when it comes to safety. The new arbiters of safety and quality are consumers. Through a focus on heavy metals, pesticide residues, and plasticizers linked to cancers and infertility, we are changing the definition of food and consumer product safety in America with a long-term view on environmental and public health. Join us!
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Our Awards & Certifications
The Clean Label Project award program is based on food and consumer product safety issues that consumers are increasingly caring about- heavy metals, pesticide residues, and plasticizers, other chemicals of concern, and truth in labeling. All programs require unannounced retail product sampling and testing.

Our Team
Clean Label Project is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization run by a small staff and assisted by a board of directors and a Medical Advisory Board. We are also mothers, fathers, pet lovers, consumers and agents of change concerned about the industrial and environmental contaminants in consumer products.